>about me:
>hi hello!! >im an artist who likes to dabble in animation, illustration and music (guitar) >i've always been interested in tech both old and new, my blog doesnt quite reflect that but i'll figure out a way >im bad at programming lol >also,, im gonna be an electronics engineer soon :3c >likes: -cats :3 -recently, programming!!!! -ultrakill, rainworld and dont starve!! tho my all time fav is DELTARUNE AND STRAY YEAAAAAAAAAAH -old tech, specifically stuff like synths :D -cyberdecks are sick too -jerma -OMNICHORDS AAAAGH I NEED ONE >dislikes: -me -insects (only irl bc of a phobia, online i love them THEYRE SO SILLY) -the ocean (that sh*ts scary man) >this websites a personal project of mine, think of it as an artwork in website form; why did i decide to make all this? idk >i just sorta decided to learn html one day and make a website i like >i'll probably never stop adding stuff to this place for a while,,, i like learning new things about java, >html and css so this is probably a long term project >thanks for reading my yapping :3